Nandini N.M
Title: Breast cancer cytology and ancillary techniques in low middle income group countries (LMIC) like India
Biography: Nandini N.M
Statement of the problem
Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer globally.. In 2020, there were an estimated 684,996 deaths from breast cancer, with a disproportionate number of these deaths occurring in low-resource settings.
Fine needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) has been established as an important tool in the evaluation of breast lesions in low resource settings. Manual liquid based cytology (MLBC) is designed to improve conventional smears (CS) by avoiding limiting factors such as obscuring material, air-drying and smearing artifacts.. the residual sample, for ancillary techniques, such as immunocytochemistry (ICC), flow cytometry and molecular biology.
Cell blocks are microbiopsy which employs retrieval of small tissue fragments from FNA specimen and is then fixed and processed with standard histopathology technique. It offers high diagnostic accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and rapidity of results.
There are several biomarkers which play a role in diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of breast lesions. ER PR are nuclear markers, HER2 and KI67 which proliferation markers with
ECADHERIN, and CD 34 are important for diagnosing metastasis , which can be tested on FNAC, MLBC and cell block of breast
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:
The various cost effective methods are studied and their advantages and limitations are studied . it was found that based on the condition of the breast any one or all the method were studied and the diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology wherever possible .
Conclusion & Significance:
It was found that FNAC of breast is still a good cost effective method for diagnosis of breast lesions ,(MLBC) was found to be useful in breast lesions where the cytological and nuclear features were clearly made out.ICC was possible on both FNAC and MLBC.
Cell block , has helped in confirming the diagnosis in grey zone breast lesions as it almost represents histopathology , it can be used for panel of biomarkers .