Rabbia Khan
American College of Surgeons, UAE
Title: Risk reducing mastectomy, when should we do it?
Biography: Rabbia Khan
Recent progress in understanding the genetic basis of breast cancer and widely publicized reports of celebrities undergoing risk-reducing mastectomy (RRM) have increased interest in RRM as a method of preventing breast cancer.
A generalized concern has been raised regarding the trend toward an over-aggressive surgical approach to breast cancer because even if RRM is nowadays a routine operation, it still remains a major intervention, with potentially protracted recovery, risk for serious complications, and long-term sequelae. It is therefore very important for physicians to be aware of this tendency, its drivers, and the evidence-based data.
We looked at our data from Mediclinic cancer comprehensive center and determined the rate of risk reducing mastectomy, prophylactic mastectomy (ipsilateral and contralateral) and their relation with genetic mutation or family history.
We excluded the survival benefit and rate of recurrence as we still need to observe these patients for at least 5 years to determine that.
Majority of the decisions were made out of fear for not having the cancer back. Aesthetics reasons were rare. However fewer patients opted due to genetic mutation as well.