Xiao-Xia Yina
Guangzhou University, China
XIAO-XIA YIN received the Ph.D. degree in electronics engineering from The University of Adelaide, Australia. She was a Visiting Scholar with the University of Reading, Reading, U.K., under the supervision of S. Hadjiloucas, and with the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K., under the supervision of L. F. Gladden. She involved in tumor detection via DCE-MRI with The University of Melbourne, Australia, under the supervision of Prof. Kotagiri. She has an existing collaboration with Prof. M.-Y. Su with the Center for Functional Onco Imaging, University of California at Irvine, USA, and with Prof. T. Kron with the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia. She is currently a professor in University of Guangzhou, China and her major is in high-dimensional medical image analysis. Her research interests include multiresolution analysis, segmentation, image reconstruction and classifification, and their applications to high-dimensional medical imaging. She received the Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Australian Research Council, in 2009.
Abstract : Updated loss function for accurate tumor segmentation from breast MRIs