Media Partners

Conference Locate (Clocate) is a leading international directory for worldwide conferences and exhibitions. Conference Locate (Clocate) is equipped with a unique and comprehensive search that helps you find easily any event in any category or location. Each event includes detailed information, like, description, dates, location, map, prices, link to the event's website and more...

VenueDir is a leading directory for major venues around the world with a search by location, size of venue or type of event (conference, seminar, exhibition, wedding and others). In VenueDir you can find the services provided by the venue, including, food and beverages, accomodation, onsite parking, on-site support, audio and video and more. Venuedir provides an option to submit a request for proposal (RFP) to all suitable venues.

World's largest business event platform, find all upcoming events, business conferences, trade shows, global seminars, networking meets and workshops.

World conference alerts, is basically an online platform where you can get the details about the conferences, seminars, workshops and other related events. These are the events where the best minds can share knowledge and their research outcomes and help the modern world to get the maximum utilization of knowledge.

AllEvents is an event discovery platform that gives a common ground to anyone who wants to create, promote, find and attend events. We believe that events positively impact our lives, and since 2011, we have been building AllEvents to support event professionals with the best practices to reach the right audience.

Vydya Health: Find Providers, Products at Find providers from conventional, complementary and alternative care for professional help. Shop for wellness products at  Join fellow providers, showcase your practice on

KindCongress lists scientific conferences from all over the world keeping professional conference organizers (PCO), speakers and attendees up to date with the latest conferences from a wide range of sciences. Conferences register to be seen by potential attendees and speakers. And speakers can register to get invited by conferences.